Working with Cal-Adapt Climate Data in R:
Finding Data and Best Practices for Analyzing Climate Data

Preset Areas-of-Interest

The Cal-Adapt API server has 11 preset areas of interest (aka boundary layers).

You can query these features without passing a spatial object!


norcal_cap <- ca_loc_aoipreset(type = "counties", 
                         idfld = "fips", 
                         idval = c("06105", "06049", "06089", "06015")) %>% 
  ca_gcm(gcms[1:4]) %>%
  ca_scenario(scenarios[1:2]) %>%
  ca_period("year") %>%
  ca_years(start = 2040, end = 2060) %>%
  ca_cvar("pr") %>% 
  ca_options(spatial_ag = "max")

Plot an API request to verify the location:


User-Defined Geometries

An API request can use a simple feature data frame as the query location (point, polygon, and multipolygon).

Use sf::st_read() to import Shapefiles, geojson, KML, geopackage, ESRI geodatabases, etc.

pinnacles_bnd_sf <- st_read("./notebooks/data/pinnacles_bnd.geojson")
## Reading layer `pinnacles_bnd' from data source 
##   `D:\GitHub\cal-adapt\caladaptr-res\docs\workshops\ca_intro_apr22\notebooks\data\pinnacles_bnd.geojson' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 5 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -121.2455 ymin: 36.4084 xmax: -121.1012 ymax: 36.56416
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Crate an API request:

pin_cap <- ca_loc_sf(loc = pinnacles_bnd_sf, idfld = "UNIT_CODE") %>% 
  ca_slug("et_month_MIROC5_rcp45") %>%
  ca_years(start = 2040, end = 2060) %>% 
  ca_options(spatial_ag = "mean")

plot(pin_cap, locagrid = TRUE)

Fetch data:

pin_tbl <- pin_cap %>% ca_getvals_tbl()

Finding Data: Raster Series Catalog

caladaptR comes with a copy of the Cal-Adapt raster series “data catalog”.

For each raster series you can see the:

The catalog can be retrieved using ca_catalog_rs() (returns a tibble).

ca_catalog_rs() %>% head()
##  - using raster series catalog from cache


The best way to browse the catalog is with RStudio’s View pane. You can then use the filter buttons to find the raster series you want.

ca_catalog_rs() %>% View()

To search the catalog using a keyword, you can use ca_catalog_search()

all_snow_layers_df <- ca_catalog_search("snow", quiet = TRUE)

all_snow_layers_df %>% select(slug, name) %>% DT::datatable()

To view the properties of a specific dataset (e.g., to see the units or start/end dates), search on the slug:

## snowfall_day_livneh_vic
##   name: Livneh VIC daily snowfall
##   url:
##   tres: daily
##   begin: 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z
##   end: 2013-12-31T00:00:00Z
##   units: mm/day
##   num_rast: 1
##   id: 519
##   xmin: -124.5625
##   xmax: -113.375
##   ymin: 31.5625
##   ymax: 43.75

Using Climate Data Wisely

Is this a wise or unwise use of climate data?

According to Cal-Adapt, which weekend in February 2070 has the least chance of rain for my retirement party at the San Luis Obispo Country Club?

Make this plot

slo_cap <- ca_loc_pt(coords = c(-120.6276, 35.2130)) %>%
  ca_cvar("pr") %>%
  ca_gcm(gcms[1:10]) %>%
  ca_scenario("rcp45") %>%
  ca_period("day") %>%
  ca_dates(start = "2070-02-01", end = "2070-02-28")

slo_mmday_tbl <- slo_cap %>% 
  ca_getvals_tbl(quiet = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(pr_mmday = set_units(as.numeric(val) * 86400, mm/day))

feb2070_weekends_df <- data.frame(dt = as.Date("2070-02-01") + c(0,1,7,8,14,15,21,22), y = 50)

ggplot(data = slo_mmday_tbl, aes(x = as.Date(dt), y = as.numeric(pr_mmday))) +
  geom_col(data = feb2070_weekends_df, aes(x = dt, y = y), fill = "red", alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_point(aes(color=gcm)) + 
  labs(title = "Chance of Rain at the San Luis Obispo Country Club, February 2070", 
       subtitle = "Pink bars represent the weekends. Emissions scenario: RCP 4.5.",
       x = "date", y = "mm") +
  theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0)) 

Best Practices Analyzing Modeled Climate Data

1) Examine 20-30 Year Time Periods

Climate models are designed to capture trends in climate.

By definition, climate is weather averaged over 30+ years.

⇒ If you’re not averaging at least 20-30 years of data, you’re probably doing something wrong.

2) Look at multiple models & emissions scenarios

There is variability among models.

The biggest source of uncertainty (by far) is the future of emissions.

3) Look at both central tendency and the range of variability

Both are important.

Variability can be within and/or between models.

4) Aggregate, aggregate, aggregate

5) Compare, compare, compare

6) Consider climate analogues

Where can I go right now to see the climate that my city will have 50 years from now?

Comparing the Past to the Future

What is the appropriate historic baseline for modeled future climate scenarios?

Observed historic record and modeled future - different animals

Model historic climate and modeled future - comparable

The Dilemma of Multiple Futures

How do we make sense of multiple climate futures?

How do we store data for multiple futures?

Individual time series are not that helpful by themselves.

What is the right order of operations for computing metrics, aggregating data, and doing comparisons?

Example: How will heat spells in Madera County change under climate change compared to historic conditions?

Source Data (example):

That’s 365 * 30 * 10 * 3 = 328,500 values of tasmax, for each pixel in the county!

In what order should we

  1. identify heat days
  2. find consecutive heat days
  3. find the mean number of heat spells per i) GCP, ii) RCP, iii) county

General Order of Operations

Operation Example R functions
  1. filter by space
Madera County, Census tracts, etc. build into API request
  1. filter by year
2070-2099 build into API request
  1. filter by month or season
Sep - June dplyr::filter()
  1. compute daily metrics
‘extreme heat’ day dplyr::mutate()
  1. group by emissions scenario
RCP dplyr::group_by()
  1. group by time slices
water year dplyr::group_by()
  1. group by model
GCM dplyr::group_by()
  1. tabluate ‘runs’
heat spell = extreme heat for at least 3 days rle()
  1. aggregate / tabulate by model
avg # heat spells per GCM (all date slices combined) dplyr::summarise()
  1. aggregate / tabulate by time slice
total # heat spells per water year dplyr::summarise()
  1. aggregate / tabulate by scenario
avg # heat spells per emissions scenario (all GCMs combined) dplyr::summarise()
  1. compare
compare across scenarios, locations plots, tables, stats tests

Data Wrangling

Cal-Adapt data always comes down in a “long” format:

ca_loc_pt(coords = c(-117.0, 33.1)) %>%
  ca_cvar(c("tasmax", "tasmin")) %>%
  ca_gcm(gcms[1:4]) %>%
  ca_scenario(scenarios[1:2]) %>%
  ca_period("year") %>%
  ca_years(start = 2040, end = 2060) %>% 
  ca_getvals_tbl(quiet = TRUE) %>% 

To make useful plots, maps, and summaries, you often have to ‘munge’ or ‘wrangle’ the data, which may include:

Fortunately you have a very robust toolbox:





Top-Seven Data Wrangling Functions


Qtn. How do I know what data wrangling is needed?

Ans. Work backward from your analysis or visualization functions.

Notebook 2. Find and Wrangle Data

In Notebook 2, you will:

Notebook 2. Finding Data | solutions