Working with Climate Data in R with caladaptR

Large Queries and Rasters

Querying Large Data

Imagine you want to extract the climate data for 36,000 vernal pool locations.

Issues that arise when querying large number (1000s) of locations:

General Strategies

1) Aggregate point features by LOCA grid cells

2) Download rasters

3) Save values in a local SQLite database

Saving Values to a Local Database

Use ca_getvals_db() Instead of ca_getvals_tbl()

Sample usage:

my_vals <- my_api_req %>% 
  ca_getvals_db(db_fn = "my_data.sqlite",
                db_tbl = "daily_vals",
                new_recs_only = TRUE)

new_recs_only = TRUE → will pick up where it left off if the connection interrupted

ca_getvals_db() returns a ‘remote tibble’ linked to a local database

Work with ‘remote tibbles’ using many of the same techniques as regular tibbles (with a few exceptions)

ca_db_info() and ca_db_indices() help you view and manage database files

See the Large Queries Vignette for details


cap1_tifs <- cap1 %>% ca_getrst_stars(out_dir = “c:/data/tifs”)

See also Raster Vignettes

Notebook 4: Large Queries

In Notebook 4 you will:

  • query using a sf polygon object
  • download climate values into a SQLite database
  • summarize the values in a remote tibble with dplyr statements
  • download climate data as stars rasters

Notebook 4. Large Queries and Rasters | solutions