Search the Cal-Adapt raster series data catalog
ca_catalog_search(x, keep_together = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)
text to search for
treat x as a phrase, logical
suppress messages
A tibble with information about the found raster series
This function can be used to search the local copy of the Cal-Adapt raster series
data catalog, and view the properties of the matching results. Searched fields include the
dataset name and slug. If keep_together = TRUE
, the search text will be treated
as a phrase, otherwise the words in x will be searched for separately.
Records have to match all terms to be returned.
For an online search tool, click the 'Filters' button on
if (FALSE) {
## Search for a slug
## Search for keywords
ca_catalog_search("evapotranspiration year")
## Search for phrase
ca_catalog_search("Livneh VIC", keep_together = TRUE)