Build a Degree Day Decision Support Tool in R

Part 2. Weather APIs

May 10, 2024

Start Recording

Part 1 Review

Key concepts

Accumulated degree day models:

  1. what is being predicted
  2. when to start computing degree days (i.e., biofix)
  3. details about the mathematical equation to use
  4. when the predicted event will occur

Computing degree days in R

Options for presenting the results of a degree day model in a DST

Finding the Perfect Weather Data

Location, location, location

Good data starts with good hardware

Data access


Fact or Fiction?

All weather data are created equal.

Hourly data are better than daily data.

Closer is better.

An interpolated value at the farm is going to be better than a measured value if the station is far away.

Free weather data is better.

Weather Data for Degree Day DSTs

Typically degree day models requires daily temperature data for as many as 3 time periods:

Weather Data Sources

Google Sheet: Weather Data Sources


  • web interface
  • CSV files
  • API (getting a make over in 2024)
  • FTP server
  • R package: cimir

Active CIMIS Stations


Public Benefit Corporation

Aggregator of weather station data

> 120,000 stations globally

modern API (token required)

API Etiquette

APIs are common pool resources! Everybody benefits when we all follow a few best practices.

Top Ten Best Practices When Calling APIs

  1. Don’t request variables you don’t need.
  2. Don’t request dates you don’t need.
  3. Use the spatial and temporal aggregation functions provided by the API if available.
  4. Break large requests into smaller pieces.
  5. Put your email address or URL of your app as the user-agent in the header of your request.
  6. Don’t request the same data multiple times (i.e. cache the responses to your requests).
  7. Throttle yourself with large requests (e.g., insert a 10-second pause between calls).
  8. Schedule large requests off-hours.
  9. If you need a massive amount of data, there are almost always better ways. Just ask!
  10. Read the docs!

Managing your API Key

Protect Your Token from Escape

## Bad idea:
my_token <- "414c045492a32hhd9994xxxxd8a64df"

Better options for reading your token

1. Include a line for your token in your .Renviron file:

MY_CENSUS_KEY = '05xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx93'

Tip: you can edit .Renviron within RStudio with usethis::edit_r_environ()

2. Read it into R:

my_census_token <- Sys.getenv("MY_CENSUS_KEY")

Option 2. Store it in an external file

my_token <- readLines("~/My Tokens/cimis_token.txt", n = 1)

GitHub users:

  • store the token text file outside your project directory, and/or
  • add the text file to .gitignore

Option 3. Save it in your OS credential store

see keyring

API Configuration Settings

Depending on the API service, you may also be able to configure one or more of the following:

  • Create an app token or service account for each project (i.e., instead of your main account)

  • Provision your token / key with the minimum number of permissions required

  • IP filtering

  • expiration date

  • usage limits

Date-time manipulations

R is well-equipped to handle dates and date-times.

lubridate provides a number of convenience functions.


Creating Date-Time Objects

1. Convert a character string to a date-time object

Challenge: Dates and times often come as text in a variety of formats:

  • October 5, 2023
  • 5 Oct., 2023
  • 10/05/2023
  • 2023-10-05
  • 10-05-2023
  • 05-10-2023

lubridate has functions that can handle most cases:

ymd_hms(), ymd_hm(), ymd_h()
ydm_hms(), ydm_hm(), ydm_h()
mdy_hms(), mdy_hm(), mdy_h()
dmy_hms(), dmy_hm(), dmy_h()



"2024-03-17" |> ymd()
## [1] "2024-03-17"
"2017-11-28T14:02:00" |> ymd_hms()
## [1] "2017-11-28 14:02:00 UTC"

All of these function have an optional argument tz to specify the time zone:

"2017-11-28T14:02:00" |> ymd_hms(tz = "America/Los_Angeles")
## [1] "2017-11-28 14:02:00 PST"

2. Create a date-time object from scratch

```r st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt <- make_datetime(year = 2024, month = 3, day = 17, hour = 12, min = 0, sec = 0, tz = "America/Los_Angeles") st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt ``` ``` ## [1] "2024-03-17 12:00:00 PDT" ```

Time Zones

How to specify a time zone

Time zones have standardized names. Example:

## [1] "America/Los_Angeles"

All time zone names:

##   [1] "Africa/Abidjan"                   "Africa/Accra"                    
##   [3] "Africa/Addis_Ababa"               "Africa/Algiers"                  
##   [5] "Africa/Asmara"                    "Africa/Asmera"                   
##   [7] "Africa/Bamako"                    "Africa/Bangui"                   
##   [9] "Africa/Banjul"                    "Africa/Bissau"                   
##  [11] "Africa/Blantyre"                  "Africa/Brazzaville"              
##  [13] "Africa/Bujumbura"                 "Africa/Cairo"                    
##  [15] "Africa/Casablanca"                "Africa/Ceuta"                    
##  [17] "Africa/Conakry"                   "Africa/Dakar"                    
##  [19] "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"             "Africa/Djibouti"                 
##  [21] "Africa/Douala"                    "Africa/El_Aaiun"                 
##  [23] "Africa/Freetown"                  "Africa/Gaborone"                 
##  [25] "Africa/Harare"                    "Africa/Johannesburg"             
##  [27] "Africa/Juba"                      "Africa/Kampala"                  
##  [29] "Africa/Khartoum"                  "Africa/Kigali"                   
##  [31] "Africa/Kinshasa"                  "Africa/Lagos"                    
##  [33] "Africa/Libreville"                "Africa/Lome"                     
##  [35] "Africa/Luanda"                    "Africa/Lubumbashi"               
##  [37] "Africa/Lusaka"                    "Africa/Malabo"                   
##  [39] "Africa/Maputo"                    "Africa/Maseru"                   
##  [41] "Africa/Mbabane"                   "Africa/Mogadishu"                
##  [43] "Africa/Monrovia"                  "Africa/Nairobi"                  
##  [45] "Africa/Ndjamena"                  "Africa/Niamey"                   
##  [47] "Africa/Nouakchott"                "Africa/Ouagadougou"              
##  [49] "Africa/Porto-Novo"                "Africa/Sao_Tome"                 
##  [51] "Africa/Timbuktu"                  "Africa/Tripoli"                  
##  [53] "Africa/Tunis"                     "Africa/Windhoek"                 
##  [55] "America/Adak"                     "America/Anchorage"               
##  [57] "America/Anguilla"                 "America/Antigua"                 
##  [59] "America/Araguaina"                "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"  
##  [61] "America/Argentina/Catamarca"      "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia"
##  [63] "America/Argentina/Cordoba"        "America/Argentina/Jujuy"         
##  [65] "America/Argentina/La_Rioja"       "America/Argentina/Mendoza"       
##  [67] "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"   "America/Argentina/Salta"         
##  [69] "America/Argentina/San_Juan"       "America/Argentina/San_Luis"      
##  [71] "America/Argentina/Tucuman"        "America/Argentina/Ushuaia"       
##  [73] "America/Aruba"                    "America/Asuncion"                
##  [75] "America/Atikokan"                 "America/Atka"                    
##  [77] "America/Bahia"                    "America/Bahia_Banderas"          
##  [79] "America/Barbados"                 "America/Belem"                   
##  [81] "America/Belize"                   "America/Blanc-Sablon"            
##  [83] "America/Boa_Vista"                "America/Bogota"                  
##  [85] "America/Boise"                    "America/Buenos_Aires"            
##  [87] "America/Cambridge_Bay"            "America/Campo_Grande"            
##  [89] "America/Cancun"                   "America/Caracas"                 
##  [91] "America/Catamarca"                "America/Cayenne"                 
##  [93] "America/Cayman"                   "America/Chicago"                 
##  [95] "America/Chihuahua"                "America/Ciudad_Juarez"           
##  [97] "America/Coral_Harbour"            "America/Cordoba"                 
##  [99] "America/Costa_Rica"               "America/Creston"                 
## [101] "America/Cuiaba"                   "America/Curacao"                 
## [103] "America/Danmarkshavn"             "America/Dawson"                  
## [105] "America/Dawson_Creek"             "America/Denver"                  
## [107] "America/Detroit"                  "America/Dominica"                
## [109] "America/Edmonton"                 "America/Eirunepe"                
## [111] "America/El_Salvador"              "America/Ensenada"                
## [113] "America/Fort_Nelson"              "America/Fort_Wayne"              
## [115] "America/Fortaleza"                "America/Glace_Bay"               
## [117] "America/Godthab"                  "America/Goose_Bay"               
## [119] "America/Grand_Turk"               "America/Grenada"                 
## [121] "America/Guadeloupe"               "America/Guatemala"               
## [123] "America/Guayaquil"                "America/Guyana"                  
## [125] "America/Halifax"                  "America/Havana"                  
## [127] "America/Hermosillo"               "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"    
## [129] "America/Indiana/Knox"             "America/Indiana/Marengo"         
## [131] "America/Indiana/Petersburg"       "America/Indiana/Tell_City"       
## [133] "America/Indiana/Vevay"            "America/Indiana/Vincennes"       
## [135] "America/Indiana/Winamac"          "America/Indianapolis"            
## [137] "America/Inuvik"                   "America/Iqaluit"                 
## [139] "America/Jamaica"                  "America/Jujuy"                   
## [141] "America/Juneau"                   "America/Kentucky/Louisville"     
## [143] "America/Kentucky/Monticello"      "America/Knox_IN"                 
## [145] "America/Kralendijk"               "America/La_Paz"                  
## [147] "America/Lima"                     "America/Los_Angeles"             
## [149] "America/Louisville"               "America/Lower_Princes"           
## [151] "America/Maceio"                   "America/Managua"                 
## [153] "America/Manaus"                   "America/Marigot"                 
## [155] "America/Martinique"               "America/Matamoros"               
## [157] "America/Mazatlan"                 "America/Mendoza"                 
## [159] "America/Menominee"                "America/Merida"                  
## [161] "America/Metlakatla"               "America/Mexico_City"             
## [163] "America/Miquelon"                 "America/Moncton"                 
## [165] "America/Monterrey"                "America/Montevideo"              
## [167] "America/Montreal"                 "America/Montserrat"              
## [169] "America/Nassau"                   "America/New_York"                
## [171] "America/Nipigon"                  "America/Nome"                    
## [173] "America/Noronha"                  "America/North_Dakota/Beulah"     
## [175] "America/North_Dakota/Center"      "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"  
## [177] "America/Nuuk"                     "America/Ojinaga"                 
## [179] "America/Panama"                   "America/Pangnirtung"             
## [181] "America/Paramaribo"               "America/Phoenix"                 
## [183] "America/Port-au-Prince"           "America/Port_of_Spain"           
## [185] "America/Porto_Acre"               "America/Porto_Velho"             
## [187] "America/Puerto_Rico"              "America/Punta_Arenas"            
## [189] "America/Rainy_River"              "America/Rankin_Inlet"            
## [191] "America/Recife"                   "America/Regina"                  
## [193] "America/Resolute"                 "America/Rio_Branco"              
## [195] "America/Rosario"                  "America/Santa_Isabel"            
## [197] "America/Santarem"                 "America/Santiago"                
## [199] "America/Santo_Domingo"            "America/Sao_Paulo"               
## [201] "America/Scoresbysund"             "America/Shiprock"                
## [203] "America/Sitka"                    "America/St_Barthelemy"           
## [205] "America/St_Johns"                 "America/St_Kitts"                
## [207] "America/St_Lucia"                 "America/St_Thomas"               
## [209] "America/St_Vincent"               "America/Swift_Current"           
## [211] "America/Tegucigalpa"              "America/Thule"                   
## [213] "America/Thunder_Bay"              "America/Tijuana"                 
## [215] "America/Toronto"                  "America/Tortola"                 
## [217] "America/Vancouver"                "America/Virgin"                  
## [219] "America/Whitehorse"               "America/Winnipeg"                
## [221] "America/Yakutat"                  "America/Yellowknife"             
## [223] "Antarctica/Casey"                 "Antarctica/Davis"                
## [225] "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"        "Antarctica/Macquarie"            
## [227] "Antarctica/Mawson"                "Antarctica/McMurdo"              
## [229] "Antarctica/Palmer"                "Antarctica/Rothera"              
## [231] "Antarctica/South_Pole"            "Antarctica/Syowa"                
## [233] "Antarctica/Troll"                 "Antarctica/Vostok"               
## [235] "Arctic/Longyearbyen"              "Asia/Aden"                       
## [237] "Asia/Almaty"                      "Asia/Amman"                      
## [239] "Asia/Anadyr"                      "Asia/Aqtau"                      
## [241] "Asia/Aqtobe"                      "Asia/Ashgabat"                   
## [243] "Asia/Ashkhabad"                   "Asia/Atyrau"                     
## [245] "Asia/Baghdad"                     "Asia/Bahrain"                    
## [247] "Asia/Baku"                        "Asia/Bangkok"                    
## [249] "Asia/Barnaul"                     "Asia/Beirut"                     
## [251] "Asia/Bishkek"                     "Asia/Brunei"                     
## [253] "Asia/Calcutta"                    "Asia/Chita"                      
## [255] "Asia/Choibalsan"                  "Asia/Chongqing"                  
## [257] "Asia/Chungking"                   "Asia/Colombo"                    
## [259] "Asia/Dacca"                       "Asia/Damascus"                   
## [261] "Asia/Dhaka"                       "Asia/Dili"                       
## [263] "Asia/Dubai"                       "Asia/Dushanbe"                   
## [265] "Asia/Famagusta"                   "Asia/Gaza"                       
## [267] "Asia/Harbin"                      "Asia/Hebron"                     
## [269] "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"                 "Asia/Hong_Kong"                  
## [271] "Asia/Hovd"                        "Asia/Irkutsk"                    
## [273] "Asia/Istanbul"                    "Asia/Jakarta"                    
## [275] "Asia/Jayapura"                    "Asia/Jerusalem"                  
## [277] "Asia/Kabul"                       "Asia/Kamchatka"                  
## [279] "Asia/Karachi"                     "Asia/Kashgar"                    
## [281] "Asia/Kathmandu"                   "Asia/Katmandu"                   
## [283] "Asia/Khandyga"                    "Asia/Kolkata"                    
## [285] "Asia/Krasnoyarsk"                 "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"               
## [287] "Asia/Kuching"                     "Asia/Kuwait"                     
## [289] "Asia/Macao"                       "Asia/Macau"                      
## [291] "Asia/Magadan"                     "Asia/Makassar"                   
## [293] "Asia/Manila"                      "Asia/Muscat"                     
## [295] "Asia/Nicosia"                     "Asia/Novokuznetsk"               
## [297] "Asia/Novosibirsk"                 "Asia/Omsk"                       
## [299] "Asia/Oral"                        "Asia/Phnom_Penh"                 
## [301] "Asia/Pontianak"                   "Asia/Pyongyang"                  
## [303] "Asia/Qatar"                       "Asia/Qostanay"                   
## [305] "Asia/Qyzylorda"                   "Asia/Rangoon"                    
## [307] "Asia/Riyadh"                      "Asia/Saigon"                     
## [309] "Asia/Sakhalin"                    "Asia/Samarkand"                  
## [311] "Asia/Seoul"                       "Asia/Shanghai"                   
## [313] "Asia/Singapore"                   "Asia/Srednekolymsk"              
## [315] "Asia/Taipei"                      "Asia/Tashkent"                   
## [317] "Asia/Tbilisi"                     "Asia/Tehran"                     
## [319] "Asia/Tel_Aviv"                    "Asia/Thimbu"                     
## [321] "Asia/Thimphu"                     "Asia/Tokyo"                      
## [323] "Asia/Tomsk"                       "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"              
## [325] "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"                 "Asia/Ulan_Bator"                 
## [327] "Asia/Urumqi"                      "Asia/Ust-Nera"                   
## [329] "Asia/Vientiane"                   "Asia/Vladivostok"                
## [331] "Asia/Yakutsk"                     "Asia/Yangon"                     
## [333] "Asia/Yekaterinburg"               "Asia/Yerevan"                    
## [335] "Atlantic/Azores"                  "Atlantic/Bermuda"                
## [337] "Atlantic/Canary"                  "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"             
## [339] "Atlantic/Faeroe"                  "Atlantic/Faroe"                  
## [341] "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"               "Atlantic/Madeira"                
## [343] "Atlantic/Reykjavik"               "Atlantic/South_Georgia"          
## [345] "Atlantic/St_Helena"               "Atlantic/Stanley"                
## [347] "Australia/ACT"                    "Australia/Adelaide"              
## [349] "Australia/Brisbane"               "Australia/Broken_Hill"           
## [351] "Australia/Canberra"               "Australia/Currie"                
## [353] "Australia/Darwin"                 "Australia/Eucla"                 
## [355] "Australia/Hobart"                 "Australia/LHI"                   
## [357] "Australia/Lindeman"               "Australia/Lord_Howe"             
## [359] "Australia/Melbourne"              "Australia/North"                 
## [361] "Australia/NSW"                    "Australia/Perth"                 
## [363] "Australia/Queensland"             "Australia/South"                 
## [365] "Australia/Sydney"                 "Australia/Tasmania"              
## [367] "Australia/Victoria"               "Australia/West"                  
## [369] "Australia/Yancowinna"             "Brazil/Acre"                     
## [371] "Brazil/DeNoronha"                 "Brazil/East"                     
## [373] "Brazil/West"                      "Canada/Atlantic"                 
## [375] "Canada/Central"                   "Canada/Eastern"                  
## [377] "Canada/Mountain"                  "Canada/Newfoundland"             
## [379] "Canada/Pacific"                   "Canada/Saskatchewan"             
## [381] "Canada/Yukon"                     "CET"                             
## [383] "Chile/Continental"                "Chile/EasterIsland"              
## [385] "CST6CDT"                          "Cuba"                            
## [387] "EET"                              "Egypt"                           
## [389] "Eire"                             "EST"                             
## [391] "EST5EDT"                          "Etc/GMT"                         
## [393] "Etc/GMT-0"                        "Etc/GMT-1"                       
## [395] "Etc/GMT-10"                       "Etc/GMT-11"                      
## [397] "Etc/GMT-12"                       "Etc/GMT-13"                      
## [399] "Etc/GMT-14"                       "Etc/GMT-2"                       
## [401] "Etc/GMT-3"                        "Etc/GMT-4"                       
## [403] "Etc/GMT-5"                        "Etc/GMT-6"                       
## [405] "Etc/GMT-7"                        "Etc/GMT-8"                       
## [407] "Etc/GMT-9"                        "Etc/GMT+0"                       
## [409] "Etc/GMT+1"                        "Etc/GMT+10"                      
## [411] "Etc/GMT+11"                       "Etc/GMT+12"                      
## [413] "Etc/GMT+2"                        "Etc/GMT+3"                       
## [415] "Etc/GMT+4"                        "Etc/GMT+5"                       
## [417] "Etc/GMT+6"                        "Etc/GMT+7"                       
## [419] "Etc/GMT+8"                        "Etc/GMT+9"                       
## [421] "Etc/GMT0"                         "Etc/Greenwich"                   
## [423] "Etc/UCT"                          "Etc/Universal"                   
## [425] "Etc/UTC"                          "Etc/Zulu"                        
## [427] "Europe/Amsterdam"                 "Europe/Andorra"                  
## [429] "Europe/Astrakhan"                 "Europe/Athens"                   
## [431] "Europe/Belfast"                   "Europe/Belgrade"                 
## [433] "Europe/Berlin"                    "Europe/Bratislava"               
## [435] "Europe/Brussels"                  "Europe/Bucharest"                
## [437] "Europe/Budapest"                  "Europe/Busingen"                 
## [439] "Europe/Chisinau"                  "Europe/Copenhagen"               
## [441] "Europe/Dublin"                    "Europe/Gibraltar"                
## [443] "Europe/Guernsey"                  "Europe/Helsinki"                 
## [445] "Europe/Isle_of_Man"               "Europe/Istanbul"                 
## [447] "Europe/Jersey"                    "Europe/Kaliningrad"              
## [449] "Europe/Kiev"                      "Europe/Kirov"                    
## [451] "Europe/Kyiv"                      "Europe/Lisbon"                   
## [453] "Europe/Ljubljana"                 "Europe/London"                   
## [455] "Europe/Luxembourg"                "Europe/Madrid"                   
## [457] "Europe/Malta"                     "Europe/Mariehamn"                
## [459] "Europe/Minsk"                     "Europe/Monaco"                   
## [461] "Europe/Moscow"                    "Europe/Nicosia"                  
## [463] "Europe/Oslo"                      "Europe/Paris"                    
## [465] "Europe/Podgorica"                 "Europe/Prague"                   
## [467] "Europe/Riga"                      "Europe/Rome"                     
## [469] "Europe/Samara"                    "Europe/San_Marino"               
## [471] "Europe/Sarajevo"                  "Europe/Saratov"                  
## [473] "Europe/Simferopol"                "Europe/Skopje"                   
## [475] "Europe/Sofia"                     "Europe/Stockholm"                
## [477] "Europe/Tallinn"                   "Europe/Tirane"                   
## [479] "Europe/Tiraspol"                  "Europe/Ulyanovsk"                
## [481] "Europe/Uzhgorod"                  "Europe/Vaduz"                    
## [483] "Europe/Vatican"                   "Europe/Vienna"                   
## [485] "Europe/Vilnius"                   "Europe/Volgograd"                
## [487] "Europe/Warsaw"                    "Europe/Zagreb"                   
## [489] "Europe/Zaporozhye"                "Europe/Zurich"                   
## [491] "GB"                               "GB-Eire"                         
## [493] "GMT"                              "GMT-0"                           
## [495] "GMT+0"                            "GMT0"                            
## [497] "Greenwich"                        "Hongkong"                        
## [499] "HST"                              "Iceland"                         
## [501] "Indian/Antananarivo"              "Indian/Chagos"                   
## [503] "Indian/Christmas"                 "Indian/Cocos"                    
## [505] "Indian/Comoro"                    "Indian/Kerguelen"                
## [507] "Indian/Mahe"                      "Indian/Maldives"                 
## [509] "Indian/Mauritius"                 "Indian/Mayotte"                  
## [511] "Indian/Reunion"                   "Iran"                            
## [513] "Israel"                           "Jamaica"                         
## [515] "Japan"                            "Kwajalein"                       
## [517] "Libya"                            "MET"                             
## [519] "Mexico/BajaNorte"                 "Mexico/BajaSur"                  
## [521] "Mexico/General"                   "MST"                             
## [523] "MST7MDT"                          "Navajo"                          
## [525] "NZ"                               "NZ-CHAT"                         
## [527] "Pacific/Apia"                     "Pacific/Auckland"                
## [529] "Pacific/Bougainville"             "Pacific/Chatham"                 
## [531] "Pacific/Chuuk"                    "Pacific/Easter"                  
## [533] "Pacific/Efate"                    "Pacific/Enderbury"               
## [535] "Pacific/Fakaofo"                  "Pacific/Fiji"                    
## [537] "Pacific/Funafuti"                 "Pacific/Galapagos"               
## [539] "Pacific/Gambier"                  "Pacific/Guadalcanal"             
## [541] "Pacific/Guam"                     "Pacific/Honolulu"                
## [543] "Pacific/Johnston"                 "Pacific/Kanton"                  
## [545] "Pacific/Kiritimati"               "Pacific/Kosrae"                  
## [547] "Pacific/Kwajalein"                "Pacific/Majuro"                  
## [549] "Pacific/Marquesas"                "Pacific/Midway"                  
## [551] "Pacific/Nauru"                    "Pacific/Niue"                    
## [553] "Pacific/Norfolk"                  "Pacific/Noumea"                  
## [555] "Pacific/Pago_Pago"                "Pacific/Palau"                   
## [557] "Pacific/Pitcairn"                 "Pacific/Pohnpei"                 
## [559] "Pacific/Ponape"                   "Pacific/Port_Moresby"            
## [561] "Pacific/Rarotonga"                "Pacific/Saipan"                  
## [563] "Pacific/Samoa"                    "Pacific/Tahiti"                  
## [565] "Pacific/Tarawa"                   "Pacific/Tongatapu"               
## [567] "Pacific/Truk"                     "Pacific/Wake"                    
## [569] "Pacific/Wallis"                   "Pacific/Yap"                     
## [571] "Poland"                           "Portugal"                        
## [573] "PRC"                              "PST8PDT"                         
## [575] "ROC"                              "ROK"                             
## [577] "Singapore"                        "Turkey"                          
## [579] "UCT"                              "Universal"                       
## [581] "US/Alaska"                        "US/Aleutian"                     
## [583] "US/Arizona"                       "US/Central"                      
## [585] "US/East-Indiana"                  "US/Eastern"                      
## [587] "US/Hawaii"                        "US/Indiana-Starke"               
## [589] "US/Michigan"                      "US/Mountain"                     
## [591] "US/Pacific"                       "US/Samoa"                        
## [593] "UTC"                              "W-SU"                            
## [595] "WET"                              "Zulu"                            
## attr(,"Version")
## [1] "2024a"

Converting time values to other time zones

You can convert the date-time object to a different time zone (as opposed to merely assigning it a different time zone) with with_tz():

st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt |>  with_tz("UTC")
## [1] "2024-03-17 19:00:00 UTC"

Date Parts

Extracting Date Parts

st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt |> lubridate::month()

st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt |> lubridate::day()

st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt |> lubridate::year()

st_patricks_noon_pdt_dt |> lubridate::yday()
## [1] 3
## [1] 17
## [1] 2024
## [1] 77

API Requests

Anatomy of an API Request

The information in an API request is entered in different places on the ‘order form’.

Every API is different - you have to read the API documentation!

Base URL


URL Path

Query Parameters,evapotranspiration,precip_accum_one_hour,soil_temp&varsoperator=and&units=english&start=202312010800&end=202401010800&obtimezone=local


Examples of header content:

  • format you’d like the data in (e.g., JSON, csv, XML)
  • token / authentication
  • user-agent


Make Your Own API Calls


Build, send, and process API requests.


Rectangling functions:



Functions to rectangle deeply nested lists into a tibble.


httr2 provides functions for creating and sending API requests.

Numerous other helper functions for authentication, feedback, network options, error handling, rate limiting, etc.

Creating a request object

All the following functions accept a request object, add a piece to it, and return a request object.

This means you can pipe them together to build your API request:



sac_midcentury_req <- request("") |>
  req_user_agent("") |> 
  req_url_path_append("tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45/events") |> 
  req_url_query(g = "POINT (-121.4687 38.5938)",
                start = "2040-01-01", 
                end = "2070-12-31")

## <httr2_request>
## GET
## Body: empty
## Options:
## • useragent: ''

Sending the request

Before you send a request, it’s a good idea to do a dry run:

sac_midcentury_req |> req_dry_run()
## GET /api/series/tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45/events?g=POINT%20%28-121.4687%2038.5938%29&start=2040-01-01&end=2070-12-31 HTTP/1.1
## Host:
## User-Agent:
## Accept: */*
## Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip

If everything looks good, send it:

sac_midcentury_resp <- sac_midcentury_req |> 

Note: At this point you may need to tell your Firewall to let RStudio / R access the internet

Inspect the response

## <httr2_response>
## GET
## Status: 200 OK
## Content-Type: application/json
## Body: In memory (1223 bytes)

Parsing the Response

Check the status:

sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_status()
sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_status_desc()
## [1] 200
## [1] "OK"

View all headers:

sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_headers()
## <httr2_headers>
## Server: nginx
## Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 00:04:32 GMT
## Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
## Transfer-Encoding: chunked
## Connection: keep-alive
## Vary: Accept-Encoding
## Vary: Accept
## X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
## Expires: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:04:32 GMT
## Cache-Control: max-age=2592000
## Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
## Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
## Access-Control-Allow-Headers: DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Location,X-Request-URL
## Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Cache-Control,Content-Type,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,Location,X-Request-URL
## Content-Encoding: gzip

Extract the body as a list:

sac_midcentury_lst <- sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_body_json()

str(sac_midcentury_lst, 1)
## View(sac_midcentury_lst)
## List of 3
##  $ name : chr "tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45"
##  $ index:List of 31
##  $ data :List of 31

Convert the list to a data frame:

sac_midcentury_tbl <- tibble(
  slug = "tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45",
  var = "tasmax",
  gcm = "MIROC5",
  scenario = "rcp45",
  year = sac_midcentury_lst$index |> unlist() |> ymd_hms() |> year(),
  tasmax_c = (sac_midcentury_lst$data |> unlist()) - 273.15

## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   slug                     var    gcm    scenario  year tasmax_c
##   <chr>                    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2040     25.3
## 2 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2041     26.3
## 3 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2042     26.4
## 4 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2043     24.4
## 5 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2044     24.7
## 6 tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45 tasmax MIROC5 rcp45     2045     26.4

Notebook #1: Compute Degree Days

Posit Cloud users

Click ‘Save a permanent copy’


RStudio Desktop users

1. Download RStudio project

Download a RStudio project with all the exercises and data:

Option 1

  1. download zip file:
  2. unzip
  3. open degday-shiny-s24.Rproj

Option 2

## Download and open on desktop

## Download to a specific location 
## usethis::use_course("", destdir = "c:/workshops")

2. Install the required packages, see:

