Build a Degree Day Decision Support Tool in R

Part 3. Shiny Apps

May 24, 2024

Start Recording

Big Picture

Part 1. Working with degree day models in R

Part 2. Working with Weather Data APIs

Part 3. Weather Forecast and Shiny app

Part 2 Review

Working with dates in R

lubridate converting text to date-time objects, creating date-time objects from scratch time zones extracting date parts

Redo the graphic API request - server - response - table

Reading the docs

Prepare the request Base URL URL path Query Parameters Headers Body

sac_midcentury_req <- request(“”) |> req_user_agent(“”) |> req_url_path_append(“tasmax_year_MIROC5_rcp45/events”) |> req_url_query(g = “POINT (-121.4687 38.5938)”, start = “2040-01-01”, end = “2070-12-31”)

sac_midcentury_resp <- sac_midcentury_req |> req_perform()

sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_status_desc()

sac_midcentury_lst <- sac_midcentury_resp |> resp_body_json()


Protecting your API token

API Etiquette

Exercise: Synoptic Data

if there’s time

Show a graph of degree days varieties over time: single-sine, double-sine (put this in part I)


Rest EndPoints

Weather Forecast API

  • Forecasts for up to 16 days (default = 7)
  • Hourly and daily data available
  • Auto-select weather model for your region (default for USA is the NOAA GFS + HRRR)

Historic Weather API

  • data back to 1940
  • ~5-day delay in the data

Other APIs

  • Air Quality
  • Marine Forecast
  • Climate Change Forecast
  • Geocode
  • River Discharge


No API key is required:

  • for non-commercial use
  • less than 10,000 daily API calls

R package:


Downscaled modeled climate data for western USA (1950 - 2099)

Gridded observed data: Livneh and gridMet

Time Filtering

Filter based on a date

First, make sure the date column is actually contains Date objects (or POSIXct for date-time values), as opposed to text:

espartoa_tbl <- system.file("extdata/espartoa-weather-2020.csv", package = "degday") |> 
  read.csv() |> 
  mutate(date = as.Date(date)) 

espartoa_tbl |> head()
##     station       date tmin tmax
## 1 Esparto.A 2020-01-01   38   55
## 2 Esparto.A 2020-01-02   36   67
## 3 Esparto.A 2020-01-03   33   59
## 4 Esparto.A 2020-01-04   37   59
## 5 Esparto.A 2020-01-05   38   63
## 6 Esparto.A 2020-01-06   36   58
## [1] "Date"

Filtering a data frame based on the date can be with dplyr::filter(). Just make sure the comparison values are also dates.

For example, we can extract the values between St Patrick’s Day and Tax Day (April 15) in 2020:

espartoa_tbl |> filter(date >= as.Date("2020-03-17"), date <= as.Date("2020-04-15"))
##      station       date tmin tmax
## 1  Esparto.A 2020-03-17   41   55
## 2  Esparto.A 2020-03-18   43   53
## 3  Esparto.A 2020-03-19   36   61
## 4  Esparto.A 2020-03-20   35   64
## 5  Esparto.A 2020-03-21   39   66
## 6  Esparto.A 2020-03-22   40   69
## 7  Esparto.A 2020-03-23   45   65
## 8  Esparto.A 2020-03-24   40   58
## 9  Esparto.A 2020-03-25   36   57
## 10 Esparto.A 2020-03-26   34   61
## 11 Esparto.A 2020-03-27   35   63
## 12 Esparto.A 2020-03-28   46   58
## 13 Esparto.A 2020-03-29   46   62
## 14 Esparto.A 2020-03-30   45   67
## 15 Esparto.A 2020-03-31   52   72
## 16 Esparto.A 2020-04-01   46   66
## 17 Esparto.A 2020-04-02   46   69
## 18 Esparto.A 2020-04-03   40   67
## 19 Esparto.A 2020-04-04   42   57
## 20 Esparto.A 2020-04-05   45   56
## 21 Esparto.A 2020-04-06   40   59
## 22 Esparto.A 2020-04-07   42   66
## 23 Esparto.A 2020-04-08   44   64
## 24 Esparto.A 2020-04-09   49   64
## 25 Esparto.A 2020-04-10   51   73
## 26 Esparto.A 2020-04-11   47   72
## 27 Esparto.A 2020-04-12   47   75
## 28 Esparto.A 2020-04-13   48   77
## 29 Esparto.A 2020-04-14   51   80
## 30 Esparto.A 2020-04-15   43   81

Filtering with Date Parts

Extract the in June, July, and August:

espartoa_tbl |> 
  filter(month(date) %in% c(6,7,8))
##      station       date tmin tmax
## 1  Esparto.A 2020-06-01   60   86
## 2  Esparto.A 2020-06-02   60   95
## 3  Esparto.A 2020-06-03   63  100
## 4  Esparto.A 2020-06-04   60   98
## 5  Esparto.A 2020-06-05   58   82
## 6  Esparto.A 2020-06-06   58   78
## 7  Esparto.A 2020-06-07   57   88
## 8  Esparto.A 2020-06-08   58   83
## 9  Esparto.A 2020-06-09   55   90
## 10 Esparto.A 2020-06-10   63   96
## 11 Esparto.A 2020-06-11   59   93
## 12 Esparto.A 2020-06-12   58   76
## 13 Esparto.A 2020-06-13   55   77
## 14 Esparto.A 2020-06-14   59   84
## 15 Esparto.A 2020-06-15   65   85
## 16 Esparto.A 2020-06-16   60   81
## 17 Esparto.A 2020-06-17   64   87
## 18 Esparto.A 2020-06-18   59   94
## 19 Esparto.A 2020-06-19   58   96
## 20 Esparto.A 2020-06-20   56   91
## 21 Esparto.A 2020-06-21   59   93
## 22 Esparto.A 2020-06-22   59   99
## 23 Esparto.A 2020-06-23   64   98
## 24 Esparto.A 2020-06-24   62   99
## 25 Esparto.A 2020-06-25   60   95
## 26 Esparto.A 2020-06-26   59   95
## 27 Esparto.A 2020-06-27   60   95
## 28 Esparto.A 2020-06-28   59   87
## 29 Esparto.A 2020-06-29   65   88
## 30 Esparto.A 2020-06-30   60   91
## 31 Esparto.A 2020-07-01   55   92
## 32 Esparto.A 2020-07-02   55   88
## 33 Esparto.A 2020-07-03   62   96
## 34 Esparto.A 2020-07-04   53   93
## 35 Esparto.A 2020-07-05   58   95
## 36 Esparto.A 2020-07-06   56   90
## 37 Esparto.A 2020-07-07   53   89
## 38 Esparto.A 2020-07-08   65   94
## 39 Esparto.A 2020-07-09   61   98
## 40 Esparto.A 2020-07-10   60   98
## 41 Esparto.A 2020-07-11   59  103
## 42 Esparto.A 2020-07-12   59  101
## 43 Esparto.A 2020-07-13   61   92
## 44 Esparto.A 2020-07-14   58   92
## 45 Esparto.A 2020-07-15   58   96
## 46 Esparto.A 2020-07-16   62   94
## 47 Esparto.A 2020-07-17   61   93
## 48 Esparto.A 2020-07-18   60   96
## 49 Esparto.A 2020-07-19   61   97
## 50 Esparto.A 2020-07-20   60   96
## 51 Esparto.A 2020-07-21   59   93
## 52 Esparto.A 2020-07-22   60   96
## 53 Esparto.A 2020-07-23   56   94
## 54 Esparto.A 2020-07-24   58   94
## 55 Esparto.A 2020-07-25   55   95
## 56 Esparto.A 2020-07-26   60  100
## 57 Esparto.A 2020-07-27   61  101
## 58 Esparto.A 2020-07-28   59  100
## 59 Esparto.A 2020-07-29   60   96
## 60 Esparto.A 2020-07-30   60   96
## 61 Esparto.A 2020-07-31   52   97
## 62 Esparto.A 2020-08-01   53   94
## 63 Esparto.A 2020-08-02   58   98
## 64 Esparto.A 2020-08-03   60   99
## 65 Esparto.A 2020-08-04   58   95
## 66 Esparto.A 2020-08-05   59   95
## 67 Esparto.A 2020-08-06   56   90
## 68 Esparto.A 2020-08-07   61   96
## 69 Esparto.A 2020-08-08   62   95
## 70 Esparto.A 2020-08-09   62   98
## 71 Esparto.A 2020-08-10   64   99
## 72 Esparto.A 2020-08-11   61   93
## 73 Esparto.A 2020-08-12   57   97
## 74 Esparto.A 2020-08-13   60   97
## 75 Esparto.A 2020-08-14   71  103
## 76 Esparto.A 2020-08-15   68  107
## 77 Esparto.A 2020-08-16   60   96
## 78 Esparto.A 2020-08-17   59   95
## 79 Esparto.A 2020-08-18   71  102
## 80 Esparto.A 2020-08-19   71   97
## 81 Esparto.A 2020-08-20   62   85
## 82 Esparto.A 2020-08-21   59   91
## 83 Esparto.A 2020-08-22   67   97
## 84 Esparto.A 2020-08-23   61   97
## 85 Esparto.A 2020-08-24   67   96
## 86 Esparto.A 2020-08-25   58   94
## 87 Esparto.A 2020-08-26   58   95
## 88 Esparto.A 2020-08-27   54   92
## 89 Esparto.A 2020-08-28   59   94
## 90 Esparto.A 2020-08-29   61   94
## 91 Esparto.A 2020-08-30   60   91
## 92 Esparto.A 2020-08-31   60   96

Resampling the temporal resolution with date parts

The standard way to resample involves group_by() followed by summarise().

FOr example to resample by month:

espartoa_tbl |> 
  mutate(month = month(date)) |> 
  group_by(month) |> 
  summarise(tmin_mean = mean(tmin), tmax_mean = mean(tmax), .groups = "drop")
## # A tibble: 12 × 3
##    month tmin_mean tmax_mean
##    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1     1      39.3      58.4
##  2     2      41.1      68.0
##  3     3      41.9      64.5
##  4     4      49.3      74.5
##  5     5      54.1      83.5
##  6     6      59.7      90  
##  7     7      58.6      95.3
##  8     8      61.2      95.7
##  9     9      58.1      91.0
## 10    10      50.7      84.6
## 11    11      39.1      66.9
## 12    12      37.6      58.9

Building up tables within a loop

Often you have to “build up” a table thru multiple API calls.

A common way to do this is thru a loop. (For large data, consider also appending to a database).)

my_master_weather_tbl <- NULL

for (i in <something or other>) {
  one_bunch_of_data_tbl <- tibble(...)
  my_master_weather_tbl <- bind_rows(my_master_weather_tbl, one_bunch_of_data)

my_master_weather_tbl    ## Contains everything!!

Reshaping Data Frames

Reshaping data includes:

The go-to Tidyverse package for reshaping data frames is tidyr

Pivot Functions



More info and examples in the tidyr Pivoting Vignette

Caching data

Exercises 3 & 4: Download Forecasts

Posit Cloud users

Click ‘Save a permanent copy’


RStudio Desktop Power Users

1. Download RStudio project

Download a RStudio project with all the exercises and data:

Option 1

## Download and open on desktop

## Download to a specific location 
## usethis::use_course("", destdir = "c:/workshops")

Option 2

  1. download zip file:
  2. unzip
  3. open degday-shiny-s24.Rproj

2. Install the required packages, see:


Decision Support Tools


Provide useful information in useful ways

Do no harm

Be transparent about:

  • the model
  • the weather data

Top Five Best Practices

Reactive Programming

Exericse: Shiny Time!

Where to go from here?

Publish Your App

Learn More About Shiny / Reactive Programming

UI Enhancements

Backend Enhancements

Join the Movement

  • degree day validation challenge
  • comparing weather data sources
  • machine-readable open-access model library
  • R wrappers for Weather APIs
  • shareable back-end resources on AWS
  • Python