Spatial Data Analysis with R
Society for Conservation GIS, July 2021

Custom Functions

Custom Functions

Why Write Functions?

Functions help you:

Functions generally do one or two things:

  1. take an action (e.g., plot, download data)
  2. return values

Creating Functions

You define a function like you define a variable:

myfun <- function() { 
  ## code goes here

Example: Hello World

A simple function that takes an action.

hello_world <- function() {
  print("Hello world!")

You call custom functions like any built-in function. Remember to add the ().

## [1] "Hello world!"

Create a hello_world function that prints something to the console.

Call it.

Returning Values

Functions will return a value when:

Example: Returning a Value

pi_squared <- function() {
  return(pi ^ 2)

x <- pi_squared()
## [1] 9.869604

If you need to return multiple variables, or an unstructured object, put them in a list object and return the list.

Adding Arguments

Arguments add flexibility to your function, allowing you to use it in different places in your code. You define arguments in the function definition.

inch2cm <- function(x) {
  return(x * 2.54)  

## [1] 25.4

The code in your function should only depend on arguments passed to it, not other variables or packages which may or may not be available.

Arguments are passed as copies (as opposed to a pointer). This means if the function modifies the argument, it won’t change the argument in the calling environment.

Multiple Arguments

Separate multiple arguments with commas.

circle_pts <- function(radius, ctr_x, ctr_y) {
  theta <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=pi/18)
  xs <- ctr_x + radius * cos(theta)
  ys <- ctr_y + radius * sin(theta)
  return (cbind(xs, ys))

pts <- circle_pts(0.5, 10, 10)
##            xs       ys
## [1,] 10.50000 10.00000
## [2,] 10.49240 10.08682
## [3,] 10.46985 10.17101
## [4,] 10.43301 10.25000
## [5,] 10.38302 10.32139
## [6,] 10.32139 10.38302
plot(pts, type="b", asp=1)

R will throw an error message if required arguments are not passed.

R doesn’t require you to declare a data type for arguments, so if you need to check data type you need to build that in your code. E.g.,

if (!inherits(x, "list")) stop("x should be a list")

Providing Default Values

The way you make an argument optional is to give it a default value.

circle_pts <- function(radius, ctr_x=0, ctr_y=0) {
  theta <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=pi/18)
  xs <- ctr_x + radius * cos(theta)
  ys <- ctr_y + radius * sin(theta)
  return (cbind(xs, ys))

pts <- circle_pts(1)
##             xs        ys
## [1,] 1.0000000 0.0000000
## [2,] 0.9848078 0.1736482
## [3,] 0.9396926 0.3420201
## [4,] 0.8660254 0.5000000
## [5,] 0.7660444 0.6427876
## [6,] 0.6427876 0.7660444
plot(pts, type="b", asp=1)

Write a function that squares the log of the argument. Test if your function is vectorized.


log_sq <- function(x) {
  log(x) ^ 2

## [1] 0
##  [1] 0.000000 0.480453 1.206949 1.921812 2.590290 3.210402 3.786566 4.324077 4.827796 5.301898

Yes it is vectorized because both log() and exponentiation (^) are vector functions.

Writing Custom Functions - Tips and Good Practices


Write a function that takes as its argument a sf object, and returns the area of the bounding box.