Download the SCRIPPS California Drought Data as NetCDF files from the Cal-Adapt Data Server.

CA_Drought_Data (variables, start year, outLoc)



Climatic Variables you would like to download from the Cal-Adapt Data Server.

start year

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Download the SCRIPPS California Drought Data as NetCDF files from the Cal-Adapt Data Server.

The 2046-2074 drought is a subset of the original CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES rcp8.5 run. This was chosen since HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 2051-2070 is the most extreme 20 year dry spell from the 10 "California GCMs" - with 78% of historical median annual precip over NorthCentral+Sierra Calif Climate Tracker regions. A few years are included on either side of the drought for reference.

The 2018-2046 drought uses 2046-2074 precip and daily temperature variability, but the temperature is adjusted based on the 2006-2100 linear trend of T for each point and each month.

See also