Spatial Data Analysis with R
Society for Conservation GIS, July 2021

Getting Data from APIs


API = Application Programming Interface.

It is both a translator and a messenger between two different programs.

Common Uses of APIs

Importing Data from the Cloud

There are four general approaches to importing data directly into R:

  1. Data packages

  2. Import functions that take URLs

  3. API packages

  4. Write your own download code

Option 1: Data Packages

Packages that primarily contain datasets are commonly known as data packages.

When you install the package, you’re actually downloading the data to your hard drive. This makes them convenient - provided you have enough hard drive space!


CRAN doesn’t like to host data packages because they can be rather large. So you may have to install them from another repository such as GitHub, Bioconductor, etc.

Option 2: Use Import Functions that Accept URLs

Many functions that import data from local files can also be used to download data from online sources, provided the URL returns data in a standard format. Examples:

Example: Import a GeoJSON file:

sf_nb <- sf::read_sf("")
plot(sf_nb %>% st_geometry(), main = "San Francisco Neighborhoods")

Example: Import a csv file from GitHub

ca_breweries_df <- read.csv("")

##                                   Name                     Address             City State          Phone    Type
## 1              10 Mile Brewing Company            1136 E Willow St      Signal Hill    CA (562) 612-1255 Brewery
## 2                    101 North Brewing       1304 Scott St Suite D         Petaluma    CA (707) 778-8384 Brewery
## 3                           14 Cannons 31125 Via Colinas Suite 907 Westlake Village    CA (818) 652-6971 Brewery
## 4 21st Amendment Brewery - San Leandro            2010 Williams St      San Leandro    CA                Brewery
## 5                2Kids Brewing Company         8680 Miralani Drive        San Diego    CA (858) 480-5437 Brewery
## 6             32 North Brewing Company 8655 Production Ave Suite A       Sand Diego    CA   619-363-2622 Brewery

If you need to download a file programmatically, use download.file().

If you need to download a zip file, you can download it to a temp file, unzip the contents where they should go (with unzip()), then delete the temp file.

Option 3: API Packages

The the next best option is to find an API package that is designed to download data.

API Packages have custom functions to download specific datasets from specific online data portals.

Example: tidycensus

tidycensus makes it easy to grab census data. The following command will download median household income from the American Community Survey by census tracks in San Francisco County, and return the results as a tibble.

## Get median household income from the American Community Survey 
## by census tracks in San Francisco County

andys_api_key <- readLines("~/My Keys/census-api-key.txt", n=1)

median_hhinc_tbl <- tidycensus::get_acs(state = "CA", 
                                     county = "San Francisco", 
                                     geography = "tract", 
                                     variables = "B19013_001")

median_hhinc_tbl %>% slice(1:6)
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   GEOID       NAME                                               variable   estimate   moe
##   <chr>       <chr>                                              <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 06075010100 Census Tract 101, San Francisco County, California B19013_001    62414 26676
## 2 06075010200 Census Tract 102, San Francisco County, California B19013_001   151453 19040
## 3 06075010300 Census Tract 103, San Francisco County, California B19013_001   150972 20529
## 4 06075010400 Census Tract 104, San Francisco County, California B19013_001   130732 37816
## 5 06075010500 Census Tract 105, San Francisco County, California B19013_001   135300 29976
## 6 06075010600 Census Tract 106, San Francisco County, California B19013_001    63281 32473


Benefits of using an API package:

Example API packages:

There are 100s of ‘niche’ API Packages in the R universe. For example twitteR is an R package which provides access to the Twitter API.

To search for an API package for a specific data source, try Google or search CRAN packages by name.

See also: ROpenSci Data Access Packages

API Package Sampler


raster::getData() can download the following datasets directly into R:

To specify which area you want, you either pass a country abbreviation (alt or GADM) or a latitude-longitude coordinate (SRTM and worldclim).

There’s another getData() function in another package, so always use the raster::getData() prefix.

To see the three-character ISO3 codes for each country, run raster::getData('ISO3')

Downloads are cached by default. If you don’t want the temporary files saved, pass download=FALSE.

Example: Make a map of Zambia with data from the cloud

Let’s download and plot the District boundaries and DEM for Zambia.

zmb_alt <- raster::getData(name="alt", country="ZMB", mask="TRUE")
## Warning in showSRID(uprojargs, format = "PROJ", multiline = "NO", prefer_proj = prefer_proj): Discarded datum Unknown based on WGS84 ellipsoid in CRS
## definition
zmb_districts <- raster::getData(name="GADM", country="ZMB", level=2)
class(zmb_alt); class(zmb_districts)
plot(zmb_alt, main="Districts of Zambia")
plot(zmb_districts, col=NA, border="black", add=TRUE)
## [1] "RasterLayer"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "raster"
## [1] "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "sp"

Using the raster::getData() to plot the administrative boundaries of a country of your choice. See what the different values of the level argument return.


iNaturalist is a global community of naturalists that use the iNaturalist app to share observations and communicate. Over 73m observations to date!

You can access iNaturalist data via the rinat API client package.

## install.packages("rinat")

# Define spatial boundaries
sample_bounds <- c(38.44047, -125, 40.86652, -121.837)

## Get observations (first 100)
deer_df <- get_inat_obs(query = "Mule Deer", bounds = sample_bounds)

## Plot results
plot(deer_df$longitude, deer_df$latitude)


caladaptR provides functions to directly import climate data from Cal-Adapt, a climate data portal for the western USA. The data come in as data frames or rasters.

To retrieve data, you first construct a “request object”, which is like an order form. This gets fed into a function that fetches data (more info).


sac_tasmax_cap <- ca_loc_pt(coords = c(-121.4687, 38.5938)) %>%   ## specify a location
  ca_gcm(gcms[1:4]) %>%                                           ## specify climate model(s)
  ca_scenario(c("rcp45","rcp85")) %>%                             ## select emission scenarios(s)
  ca_cvar(c("tasmax")) %>%                                        ## select climate variables
  ca_period("year") %>%                                           ## select a temporal aggregation period
  ca_years(start = 2040, end = 2070)                              ## select start and end dates

sac_tasmax_tbl <- ca_getvals_tbl(sac_tasmax_cap, quiet = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(temp_f = set_units(val, degF))

ggplot(data = sac_tasmax_tbl, 
       aes(x = as.Date(dt), y = as.numeric(temp_f))) +
  geom_line(aes(color=gcm)) +
  facet_grid(scenario ~ .) +
  labs(title = "Annual Maximum Temperature for Sacramento", x = "year", y = "temp (F)")


FedData is an R package implementing functions to automate downloading geospatial data available from several federated data sources, including:

Exercise: Map iNaturalist Observations with rinat

Query and map observations from iNaturalist

preview notebook | answer key

Option 4: Write your own download code

When all else fails, you can write your own code to download data and import it into R.

Tools of the trade include:

Function Use
download.file() download a file from a URL
tempdir() return the temporary folder where you can put files temporarily
unlink() delete files
unzip() unzip files
httr submit GET and POST request to a server to request data
jsonlite convert strings in JSON syntax to lists
purrr convert lists to data frames

Web Scraping

An alternative approach to downloading data from the cloud is known as ‘web scraping’.

This is far less desirable than an API because it is i) inefficient, and ii) easily broken. But if the data source doesn’t support an API, web scraping may be your only option.

Importing Data from ArcGIS Online & ArcGIS Enterprise

Feature classes on or ArcGIS Enterprise may be directly imported into R if the layer is public, or you have an ArcGIS license that gives you access.

Configuration R Download
public with JSON enabled import with esri2sf
not public but accessible from AGOL or an ArcGIS portal using your ArcGIS account import using the R-ArcGIS Bridge and ArcGIS Portal generally support server-side querying (both attribute and spatial). This means you can download just the features you need!

See also:

Google Drive and Google Sheets

API Authentication

Many APIs require you to register for access. This allows them to track which users are submitting queries and manage demand.

If you submit too many queries too quickly, you might be rate-limited or your requests may be temporarily blocked!

In some cases, a data provider may require authentication as part of a paid subscription program.

API Keys

A common way of providing authentication is through API keys or tokens. These are essentially like private passwords specifically for accessing data through an API.

Many API packages have a function to save your API key in memory, so you don’t have to type it in every time you fetch some data.

For example, the Census Bureau requires users to create an account (free) and generate an API key. The excellent tidycensus package provides a function to enter your key before you start making requests for data:


## Now we can get data
get_decennial(geography = "county", variables = "P005003", year = 2010,
                    summary_var = "P001001", state = "CA")

Protecting your API Key

API keys are like passwords that provide access to services that in theory (depending on the service) you could be billed for.

However unlike passwords, API keys are often transmitted unencrypted from web pages or scripts like R or Python. Careless developers will even hardcode their API key in their HTML code or R script, making it very easy to discover.

There are two things you can do to protect your API key.

1. Restrict its Use and/or Period of Validity

Some cloud platforms (e.g., Google) allow you to limit an API key to specific services (e.g., just downloading background tiles, or just geocoding).

Some services allow you to limit the the API key to specific application(s) (i.e., only calls from specific IP addresses or domain names will be processed).

Some services (e.g., ESRI Geocoding Service) allow you to specify an expiration date on API keys.

2. Don’t Put the API Key in Code

Although it’s very convenient to simply paste your API in your code, anyone who sees your script will be able to see and potentially use your key.

## Don't do this!!
myKey <- "R5p7S006s7KsdfV7UYncAqUVxBN7sf2c5p@CgasdfFzoOo5Q"

A better technique is to store your key in a file somewhere where it won’t be accidentally shared. Then you read the file in your script, saving the key to a variable. It is still unencrypted in memory, so this isn’t very secure, but at least it won’t in your code and be accidentally shared on GitHub.

The following commands will read the first line of a text file like the one shown below, and save the results to a variable.

api_txt_fn <- "~/my-google-geocode-api.txt"    ## File located in 'home' folder (My Documents)
mykey_google <- readLines(api_txt_fn, n=1)     ## n=1 read first line only 

You can also save your API key as a *.RData file with the save() function, the same way you would save any R object, and bring it back into R with load().

For even better security, save your API keys in your operating system’s credential store using the keyring package.

See also: Google API Key Best Practices


Today we saw:


Using APIs to get data

Next: Geoprocessing 1