Spatial Data Analysis with R
Society for Conservation GIS, July 2021

Working with Packages

Finding Packages

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CRAN - List of all packages by name

CRAN - Task Views



R Spatial Ecosystem


The tidyverse is a collection of R packages that share common design principles and are designed to work together seamlessly.

They generally support piping syntax which looks like this:

x <- mydata %>% filter(weight > 40) %>% group_by(zipcode) %>% ...

You can install the core tidyverse packages collectively with:


More info:

Specialty Packages


Sub-Field Package(s)
Animal movement adehabitatHR/LT/MA, moveVis
Community Ecology vegan
Landscape Ecology landscapemetrics, spatialEco, SDMTools
Species Distribution Models dismo

What other packages are used in your work?

Installing and Loading Packages

‘Install’ = download

‘Load’ = bring into R’s memory so you can use it

RStudio Packages Tab



You can indicate which specific repository (web site) to install from from with the repos argument:

install.packages("raster", TRUE, repos="")

install.packages("tlocoh", repos="")

From GitHub

A lot of packages are on GitHub. Install them with the devtools package:


Trouble Shooting Package Installation Problems

Dependencies. Most packages require other packages to work. That means they all have to be installed to work properly.

Package not available. A common error message:

## Warning: package 'Roster' is not available (for R version 3.4.4)

Most of the time, a warning like this means the package doesn’t exist at all. Check your spelling, capitalization, and whether it might be in a different repository.

Warning: package ‘timeDate’ was built under R version 3.1.2

Most of the time this means the package was built using a newer version of R. In other words, your R is not up-to-date. You can keep working, but make a note to update R in the near future.


‘Load’ = bring a package into memory so you can use it in R.


Unload a package:


Update a package:

update.packages(oldPkgs="raster")  ## update a single package

update.packages()    ## update ALL installed packages

What’s in a package?

Content Cmd
Index of all help topics help(package=“maptools”)
Vignettes browseVignettes(package = “raster”)
Bundled datasets data(package=“myPackge”)
Installation directory system.file(package = “maptools”)
Files system.file(“external/countries.csv”, package=“raster”)
Bundled demos demo(package=“sp”)
Run a demo demo(webmap)

View the datasets in the package tmap, run:

View the datasets that come with the ‘tmap’ package.

## First, make sure tmap is installed (if not, install it!!)

## View datasets in the tmap package

How about the maps package? Ans

data(package = "maps")

To see a list of datasets in all packages currently loaded, run data() without an argument.

## View datasets in ALL packages currently loaded

To see all datasets in all installed packages, run

data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))

Duplicate Function Names

Occasionally two or more packages will have a function with the same name.

R will use whichever one was loaded first.

Best practice: use the package name and the :: reference to specify which package a function is from.

x <- sp::over()
x <- grDevices::over()

y <- raster::select()
y <- dplyr::select()

When you use the package_name::function_name syntax, you don’t actually have to first load the package with library().

Resolving Name Conflicts with the conflicted Package

When you call a function that exists in multiple packages, R uses whichever package was loaded first.

The conflicted package helps you avoid problems with duplicate function names, by specifying which one to prioritize no matter what order they were loaded.


# Set conflict preference
conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("count", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")

# From here on out, anytime we call select() or filter(), R will always use the dplyr version.


Today we saw:

Next: Basic GIS Concepts