How to Summarize Crop Distribution for any Area-of-Interest in California with R


September 25, 2024

IGIS Tech Notes describe workflows and techniques for using geospatial science and technologies in research and extension. They are works in progress, and we welcome feedback and comments.


This Tech Note illustrates how to tabulate the distribution of crops for any area of interest in CA using R. For the crop layer, it uses the 20211 Statewide Crop Mapping Layer from CA DWR. For the area-of-interest, this example uses a groundwater basin for Imperial Valley, but the method will work with any polygon in CA.

More specifically, this Tech Note shows how to:

  1. Import a polygon area-of-interest from a local GIS file
  2. Import the 2021 Statewide Crop Mapping Layer for the AOI using the downloaded geodatabase
  3. Explore the Statewide Crop Mapping layer, including the metadata and field codes
  4. Intersect the Statewide Crop Mapping layer with the AOI
  5. Compute the total area for each crop, including the percent of the AOI


To begin, load the packages we’ll be using:

Next, we define a few EPSG codes (used to define projections), that we’ll need later:

epsg_geo_wgs84 <- 4326
epsg_geo_nad83 <- 4269
epsg_utm11n_wgs84 <- 32611

Import an Area-of-Interest

Next, we import our area-of-interest from a GIS file. For this example, we will use the groundwater basin for Imperial Valley which has been saved as a geojson file (code). But the same basic technique would work with any simple feature polygon as long as it falls within California.

impval_gndwtr_sf <- st_read("imperial-valley-groundwater-basin-2016.geojson")
Reading layer `imperial-valley-groundwater-basin-2016' from data source 
  using driver `GeoJSON'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 8 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -115.8418 ymin: 32.63896 xmax: -114.8255 ymax: 33.32349
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## Preview it
leaflet(data = impval_gndwtr_sf) |> 
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery") |> 

Open the 2021 Statewide Crop Mapping dataset

This Tech Note uses a local copy of the 2021 Statewide Crop Mapping data saved as a geodatabase. This copy was downloaded from the CNRA Open Data Hub and unzipped.

We are using a local copy of the crop distribution data because:

  1. accessing a local geodatabase will give us the fastest performance (compared to importing the data from the CNRA ArcGIS Server, although that can also be done).
  2. the size of the data is manageable (the zip file is 90 MB, and unzipped is 207 MB).
  3. the links to the online layers (i.e., Map Service) seem to be broken (or require a login), so we don’t have much alternative.

Step 1 is to view the layers in the geodatabase:

dwr_cropmapping_gdb <- "./statewide_cropdist_2021/i15_Crop_Mapping_2021.gdb"
[1] TRUE
Driver: OpenFileGDB 
Available layers:
             layer_name             geometry_type features fields crs_name
1 i15_Crop_Mapping_2021 3D Measured Multi Polygon   431145     56    NAD83

Exploring the Statewide Crop Distribution Layer

The best way to explore the Statewide Crop Distribution Layer is to open it up in ArcGIS Pro. The zip file from DWR contains both a geodatabase as well as an ArcGIS Pro layer file (CropMapping2021_Legend.lyrx). Double-click the layer file to open it up in ArcGIS Pro. You will probably need to reestablish the link to the data (layer properties > source), but after that you should be you’re good to go.

A good way to learn about a dataset is to read the metadata. The geodatabase appears to be the only source for the layer’s ‘metadata’. In other words, there is no sign of metadata on the DWR website or open data hub2.

However even the ‘metadata’ does not provide a field-by-field description, but you can make educated guesses by looking at the field properties and domains that are saved in the geodatabase (see below).

Exploring the Data in ArcGIS Pro

Reading the metadata and exploring the data more thoroughly in ArcGIS Pro is an extremely good idea if you’ll be using these data for research. In addition to the MAIN_CROP field (which is all we’re using in this notebook), there are 56 other fields that contain useful information including multi-cropping characteristics, crop category (as opposed to crop type), year the crop was established (i.e., for perennial crops), whether the classification was updated / revised by DWR, notes from the analyst, etc.

Which attribute field contains the ‘crop’?

The attribute table for the Statewide Crop Mapping layer has 57 fields 😮. Determining which field has the “crop” name requires some sleuthing, as there are several candidates whose name suggest it might be the crop name. DWR unfortunately does not publish a data dictionary for the data, but if you open the geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro you can see i) the ‘domains’ (list of codes and their descriptions used in several fields), and ii) descriptive metadata that contains clues about the methodology.

The code below only imports 5 of the 57 fields. The field we will use below as “the crop” is MAIN_CROP, which the metadata describes as:

A new column for the 2019, 2020, and 2021 datasets is called ‘MAIN_CROP’. This column indicates which field Land IQ identified as the main season crop for the WY representing the crop grown during the dominant growing season for each county.

Figuring out the Codes

Many of the attribute fields in the crop distribution layer contain codes or abbreviations. The descriptions that go with these codes are not documented anywhere online, unfortunately. However if you open the geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro, you can view the ‘domains’ (which is what ESRI calls code lists). For convenience, the domains have been also exported as tables saved in another geodatabase: Crop_Mapping_2021_domains.gdb (zip).

domains_gdb <- "./statewide_cropdist_2021/Crop_Mapping_2021_domains.gdb"
[1] TRUE
Driver: OpenFileGDB 
Available layers:
         layer_name geometry_type features fields crs_name
1     allClas_dom_5            NA       27      2     <NA>
2 allCropType_dom_3            NA       59      2     <NA>
3  AllIrrigTypA_dom            NA        3      2     <NA>
4  AllIrrigTypB_dom            NA       17      2     <NA>
5   AllMultiUse_dom            NA        6      2     <NA>
6      allNotes_dom            NA      129      2     <NA>
7       AllPCNT_dom            NA      101      2     <NA>
8 allSpecCond_dom_2            NA       20      2     <NA>
9 allSubclass_dom_1            NA       33      2     <NA>

All 9 of these ‘domains’ are code lists used in one or more of the 57 fields in the attribute table.

Import the Crop Type Descriptions

Let’s import the “crop types” domain, which we’re gonna need to interpret the MAIN_CROP field:

croptypes_tbl <- st_read(domains_gdb, 
                         layer = "allCropType_dom_3", 
                         as_tibble = TRUE,
                         quiet = TRUE) |> 
  rename(code = Code, description = Description)

knitr::kable(croptypes_tbl, format = "html")
code description
**** ****
C Citrus and Subtropical - No Subclass
C4 Dates
C5 Avocados
C6 Olives
C7 Subtropical Fruits Misc.
C8 Kiwis
C10 Eucalyptus
D1 Apples
D2 Apricots
D3 Cherries Cherries
D5 Peaches and Nectarines
D6 Pears
D7 Plums
D8 Prunes
D10 Deciduous - Misc.
D12 Almonds
D13 Walnuts
D14 Pistachios
D15 Pomegranates
D17 Pecans
F1 Cotton
F2 Safflower
F5 Sugar beets
F10 Beans (dry)
F11 Field Misc.
F12 Sunflowers
F16 Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
G2 Wheat
G6 Grain and Hay - Misc.
I1 Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs.
I4 Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years
P1 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures
P3 Pasture - Mixed
P4 Pasture - Native Improved
P5 Pasture - Induced High Water
P6 Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses
P7 Pasture - Turf Farms
R1 Rice
R2 Rice - Wild
T4 Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)
T6 Carrots
T9 Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers
T10 Onions and Garlic
T12 Potatoes
T13 Sweet Potatoes
T16 Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms
T18 Truck Crops - Misc.
T19 Bushberries
T20 Strawberries
T21 Peppers (Chili, Bell, etc.)
T27 Greenhouse
T30 Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
T32 Tomatoes (all)
U Urban - Unspecified Residential, Commercial, Industrial
UL2 Urban Landscape - Golf Course Irrigated
V Vineyards - No Subclass
X Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined
YP Young Perennial (grouped for remote sensing or when CLASS C, D or V is not determined)

Import the Statewide Crop Mapping layer for just the AOI

Next, we’ll import the crop distribution polygons using sf::st_read(). We could import it all, but to save time (and memory) we’ll only import polygons that intersect our AOI.

To add a spatial filter when we import the data, we need to define the bounding box and express it as WKT3 (i.e., a character object). Note that we also have to transform the bounding box to geographic coordinates from the NAD83 datum, because that’s the CRS of the crop distribution layer.

impval_gndwtr_nad83_sf <- impval_gndwtr_sf |> 

bbox_wkt <- st_bbox(impval_gndwtr_nad83_sf) |> 
  st_as_sfc() |> 

[1] "POLYGON ((-115.8418 32.63896, -114.8255 32.63896, -114.8255 33.32349, -115.8418 33.32349, -115.8418 32.63896))"

Now we can import the crop distribution layer for the bounding box. While we’re at it, we’ll also project it to UTM (because soon we’ll be computing areas), and join it to the full names of the crop types.

crpdst_bbox_sf <- st_read(dsn = dwr_cropmapping_gdb,
                        layer = "i15_Crop_Mapping_2021",
                        wkt_filter = bbox_wkt) |> 
  st_transform(epsg_utm11n_wgs84) |> 
  select(main_crop = MAIN_CROP, class2 = CLASS2, yr_planted = YR_PLANTED, 
         data_status = DataStatus, multiuse = MULTIUSE) |> 
  left_join(croptypes_tbl, by = c("main_crop" = "code"))
Reading layer `i15_Crop_Mapping_2021' from data source 
  using driver `OpenFileGDB'
Simple feature collection with 7291 features and 56 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XYZ
Bounding box:  xmin: -115.8481 ymin: 32.65474 xmax: -115.0058 ymax: 33.32963
z_range:       zmin: 0 zmax: 0
Geodetic CRS:  NAD83

Next, we project the AOI to UTM and compute the total area (which we’ll need below):

impval_gndwtr_utm_sf <- st_transform(impval_gndwtr_sf, epsg_utm11n_wgs84)

aoi_m2 <- st_area(impval_gndwtr_utm_sf)

Next, we can overlay the AOI and the cropped crop layer:

ggplot(crpdst_bbox_sf, aes(fill = main_crop)) + 
  geom_sf() +
  geom_sf(data = impval_gndwtr_utm_sf,
          colour = "red", 
          fill = NA,
          lwd = 2) + 
  coord_sf(datum = st_crs(epsg_utm11n_wgs84)) +
  labs(title = "Crops within the Imperial Valley Groundwater Basin",
       subtitle = "2021")

Display a “legend”:

crops_in_this_area <- unique(crpdst_bbox_sf$main_crop)
croptypes_tbl |> filter(code %in% crops_in_this_area) |> knitr::kable(format="html")
code description
**** ****
C Citrus and Subtropical - No Subclass
C4 Dates
C6 Olives
C7 Subtropical Fruits Misc.
D10 Deciduous - Misc.
F1 Cotton
F5 Sugar beets
F10 Beans (dry)
F11 Field Misc.
F16 Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
G2 Wheat
G6 Grain and Hay - Misc.
I1 Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs.
I4 Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years
P1 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures
P3 Pasture - Mixed
P6 Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses
T4 Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)
T6 Carrots
T9 Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers
T10 Onions and Garlic
T12 Potatoes
T16 Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms
T18 Truck Crops - Misc.
T27 Greenhouse
T30 Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
T32 Tomatoes (all)
X Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined
YP Young Perennial (grouped for remote sensing or when CLASS C, D or V is not determined)

Intersect the Crop Polygons with the AOI

We are almost done, but we still have some polygons outside our non-rectangular AOI. To get only the polygons within the AOI, we have to take the intersection:

crops_aoi_sf <- crpdst_bbox_sf |> 
  st_intersection(impval_gndwtr_utm_sf) |> 
  mutate(area_m2 = st_area(Shape)) |> 
  select(-description) |> 
  relocate(area_m2, .before = Shape) 
Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
all geometries
crops_aoi_sf |> head()

Plot these with the AOI boundary:

ggplot(crops_aoi_sf, aes(fill = main_crop)) + 
  geom_sf(color = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = impval_gndwtr_utm_sf,
          colour = "red", 
          fill = NA,
          lwd = 2) + 
  coord_sf(datum = st_crs(epsg_utm11n_wgs84)) +
  labs(title = "Crops within Imperial Valley Groundwater Basin")

This looks good!

Compute the Total Area for Each Crop

We can now compute the total area for each crop as well as percent of the AOI covered:

crop_sumaoi_tbl <- crops_aoi_sf |> 
  st_drop_geometry() |> 
  group_by(main_crop) |> 
  summarise(crop_area_m2 = round(sum(area_m2)), .groups = "drop") |> 
  mutate(prcnt_aoi = round(as.numeric(crop_area_m2 / aoi_m2), 2)) |> 
  left_join(croptypes_tbl, by = c("main_crop" = "code")) |> 
  select(crop = main_crop, description = description, crop_area_m2, prcnt_aoi) |> 
crop_sumaoi_tbl |> knitr::kable(format="html")
crop description crop_area_m2 prcnt_aoi
P1 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures 577237615 [m^2] 0.15
P6 Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses 354501432 [m^2] 0.09
T30 Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only) 145445534 [m^2] 0.04
F5 Sugar beets 101300822 [m^2] 0.03
**** **** 84757653 [m^2] 0.02
T10 Onions and Garlic 58496668 [m^2] 0.02
T4 Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25) 77299581 [m^2] 0.02
F16 Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only) 54723225 [m^2] 0.01
G2 Wheat 37399621 [m^2] 0.01
G6 Grain and Hay - Misc. 27437013 [m^2] 0.01
I1 Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs. 20883141 [m^2] 0.01
I4 Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years 32687467 [m^2] 0.01
T18 Truck Crops - Misc. 30757896 [m^2] 0.01
T6 Carrots 46814724 [m^2] 0.01
C Citrus and Subtropical - No Subclass 11598121 [m^2] 0.00
C4 Dates 2590187 [m^2] 0.00
C6 Olives 1309333 [m^2] 0.00
C7 Subtropical Fruits Misc. 607722 [m^2] 0.00
D10 Deciduous - Misc. 66086 [m^2] 0.00
F1 Cotton 143078 [m^2] 0.00
F10 Beans (dry) 201272 [m^2] 0.00
F11 Field Misc. 955085 [m^2] 0.00
P3 Pasture - Mixed 692253 [m^2] 0.00
T12 Potatoes 4864235 [m^2] 0.00
T16 Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms 145414 [m^2] 0.00
T27 Greenhouse 32406 [m^2] 0.00
T9 Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers 12096649 [m^2] 0.00
X Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined 18560407 [m^2] 0.00
YP Young Perennial (grouped for remote sensing or when CLASS C, D or V is not determined) 25842 [m^2] 0.00

Visualize the top-15 as a bar chart:

df <- crop_sumaoi_tbl |> 
  slice_max(order_by = crop_area_m2, n = 15) |> 
  mutate(crop_area_ac = as.numeric(set_units(crop_area_m2, acres))) 

ggplot(df, aes(x = crop_area_ac, y = reorder(crop, crop_area_ac))) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Crop Distribution in Imperial Valley Groundwater Basin",
       subtitle = "Top 15 Crops from 2021") +
  xlab("acres") +

## Legend
df |> arrange(desc(crop_area_ac)) |> select(crop, description) |> knitr::kable(format = "html")
crop description
P1 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures
P6 Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses
T30 Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
F5 Sugar beets
**** ****
T4 Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)
T10 Onions and Garlic
F16 Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only)
T6 Carrots
G2 Wheat
I4 Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years
T18 Truck Crops - Misc.
G6 Grain and Hay - Misc.
I1 Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs.
X Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined


The Statewide Crop Mapping layer from CA DWR is an important dataset with many uses in the agricultural sector. It is relatively easy to analyze in R, provided you know where to find the metadata and field values (i.e., domains). Once in R, you can easily compute crop statistics for any area-of-interest using powerful functions from sf and dplyr.


  1. The crop distribution layer is updated every year, but as of the date of this notebook 2021 was the most recent year that was labeled as “final”.↩︎

  2. For convenience, a copy of the metadata has been extracted from the geodatabase and shared here↩︎

  3. Well Known Text↩︎

This work was supported by the USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Hatch Project 1015742; Powers).