Export flight area and camera locations for GIS
, R/uas_exp_shp.R
Export geometry(s) from a flight to KML and Shapefile
flt = NULL,
ctr = FALSE,
fp = FALSE,
mcp = FALSE,
combine_feats = FALSE,
combine_fn = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
out_fnbase = NULL,
create_dir = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
flt_idx = deprecated()
flt = NULL,
ctr = FALSE,
fp = FALSE,
mcp = FALSE,
combine_feats = FALSE,
combine_fn = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
out_fnbase = NULL,
create_dir = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
flt_idx = deprecated()
- x
A list of class 'uas_info'
- flt
Flight(s) in x to process (character or numeric vector, default is all)
- ctr
Export the image centroids, Logical
- fp
Export the image footprints, Logical
- mcp
Export the minimum convex polygon of the image footprints, logical
- combine_feats
Combine features into a single Shapefile / KML, logical
- combine_fn
File name (minus path and extension) for the combined features layer
- output_dir
The output directory. If NULL, the layers will be saved in a 'map' sub-directory of the image folder
- out_fnbase
The base of output filenames
- create_dir
Create the output directory if it doesn't exist, logical
- overwrite
Overwrite existing files, Logical
- quiet
Suppress messages, Logical
- flt_idx
`r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use `flt` instead
allows you to specify a subset of image folders in x
to process. You can pass a vector of flight names (use names(x)
to see what those are) or integers.
, fp
, and mcp
(all TRUE/FALSE) specify which geometry(s) to export.
Output file names will be generated from the flight metadata saved in the uas_info object. Alternately,
you can pass the base of a file name using out_fnbase
. You can specify the output directory
with output_dir
. The default is to save them in a sub-directory of the images directory
called 'map', which will be created if needed.
If combine_feats = TRUE
, the geometries from the folders in x will be combined into a single KML or Shapefile.
For this to happen, you must also pass a value for combine_fn
(a base for the file name of the combined features).