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Move UAS images into sub-directories by group


  flt = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  tb_width = 400,
  rotate = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  use_magick = FALSE,
  stats = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  flt_idx = deprecated()



A list of class 'uas_info'


Flight(s) in x to process (character or numeric vector, default is all)


Output directory


Thumbnail width


Rotate the thumbnails by the camera yaw, Logical


Overwrite existing files


Use functions from the magick package


Report the amount of time it takes to create each thumbnail, logical


Suppress messages


`r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use `flt` instead


A named list (one element for each directory processed) of thumbnail files created in the output directory


This will create thumbnail images for the drone images in x. The default output folder is a sub-directory of each image folder called map/tb, which will be created if needed. This location can be overridden with output_dir. The dimensions of the thumbnails is determined by tb_width, from which the height is set automatically.

flt allows you to specify a subset of image folders in x to process. You can pass a vector of flight names (use names(x) to see what those are) or integers.

rotate will rotate the thumbnails by the camera yaw. This can make it easier to match up ground features when viewing the thumbnails in a flight report. Note when thumbnails are rotated the tb_width parameter sets the width of the image before the rotation. The width and height of the rotated thumbnail will vary according to the angle of rotation. If your rotations look off feel free to contact the package author, as this feature is still experimental (i.e., some drones record the yaw of the drone and the yaw of the gimbal camera separately).

Thumbnail files will be given an 8-character suffix that looks random but is actually generated from the image contents. This is to prevent clashes when thumnbail files from different flights are 'gathered' into a single folder attached to a Table of Contents folder (see uas_toc).

If use_magick = TRUE, it will use resizing functions from the magick package. This is slower than the equivalent functions from the imager package (the default), but may be necessary if you are processing TIFs and don't have ImageMagick installed on your computer (which imager requires to read TIFs).

See also