Create an index for a list of stars rasters
A list of stars rasters
A tibble with the properties of elements of x
. There will be one row for
each element of x. Columns include cvar, scenario, gcm, period, slug, livneh, start, end,
rows, and cols.
When you download rasters from Cal-Adapt using ca_getrst_stars
generates an index of the properties of the elements of a list
of stars rasters to help identify which stars rasters contain which climate model data.
if (FALSE) {
## Download 5 years of daily max and min temp for Merced County as rasters
mercd_cap <- ca_loc_aoipreset(type = "counties", idfld = "fips", idval = "06047") %>%
ca_gcm(gcms[1:2]) %>%
ca_period("day") %>%
ca_cvar(c("tasmin", "tasmax")) %>%
ca_scenario("rcp45") %>%
ca_years(start = 2060, end = 2065)
mercd_stars_lst <- mercd_cap %>%
ca_getrst_stars(out_dir = ".") %>%
## Create an index tibble to see the climate model in each stars raster
mercd_stars_tbl <- mercd_stars_lst %>%